
President's Volunteer Service Award
Available to all BYU students, this award offers bronze, silver, gold, and lifetime awards. Students ages 25 or younger (US citizens and permanent residents) can receive the gold award by performing 250 hours of service in one year. For more information go to http://www.presidentialserviceawards.gov. To be certified by the Center, contact Heidi Goodsell at (801) 422-4540 or h_goodsell@byu.edu.

BYU Service Certification
Offered to all BYU students who take StDEV 290: Learning through Service, perform 100 hours of community service, and devise a capstone project which benefits a community service program or agency. A white graduation stole is awarded upon completion. For more information or to enroll in this program, contact Heidi Goodsell at (801) 422-4540 or h_goodsell@byu.edu.

The Utah Lt. Governor's Volunteer Recognition Certificate
Offered to BYU students who demonstrate exemplary volunteer service to their Utah community over an extended period of time. All submissions must be accompanied by a narrative statement and should be no longer than 250 words. To be nominated, contact Heidi Goodsell at (801) 422-4540 or h_goodsell@byu.edu.

Tutor Certification
Become a certified tutor through the College Reading and Learning Association (CRLA). There are three levels of proficiency: Regular (1), Advanced (2), and Master (3). In order to be certified at each level, tutors must complete 10 hours of training on tutoring-related topics and 25 hours of tutoring experience. For more information, you can read the Tutor Certification Booklet or contact Rebecca Smoot: rebecca_smoot@byu.edu.