Tutoring Certification Booklet
The Center for Service and Learning's Tutoring Services trains students to provide peer-to-peer tutoring for BYU students. We seek to help new and struggling students to succeed, and to assist those who seek course mastery to excel.
As a volunteer tutor, you will personally interact with your fellow students as you serve them. You will have opportunities to develop and give of your own talents and knowledge. You can even choose to tutor for one of your favorite classes!
As a tutor, your time commitment is 1-3 hours per week. You can tutor for any class in which you have received a B or better. The best way to begin volunteering is by visiting 2010 WSC, filling out an application, and attending a 30-45-minute New Tutor Orientation Workshop.
Tutoring Services offers tutors further training to become nationally certified through the College Reading and Learning Association (CRLA). CRLA is a forum of professionals that seeks to improve student learning through programs such as mentoring and tutoring.
CRLA offers three levels of certification: Level1: Basic; Level2: Advanced; and Level 3: Master. Each level stands on its own, but each succeeding level requires more training, and therefore increased skills on your part. You can tutor through Tutoring Services without being certified if you wish, although there are many benefits from certifying:
- Build your resume
- Any level of certification is recognized at other universities.
- At any other university, you can be paid $10-15/hour.
- Increase your skill and confidence in teaching others and in your own classes
Level 1 - Basic
To be certified as a Level 1 tutor, you will complete 10 hour of training and 25 hours of tutoring:
- Enroll in Student Development 132, which is a block class. It meets once a week for one hour and is offered both blocks.
- You can complete all ten hours of training by attending the fall Tutor Retreat. The 10 hours are taught on the Friday night and Saturday morning of the retreat. Specific information about time and location is sent to tutors near the date of the retreat.
- The 25 hours can be paid or unpaid, and you are not required to tutor only BYU students. You can begin accumulating hours after you receive the training. Fill out a Tutor Timecard, which is available in 2330 or 2010 WSC, and turn it into Theodore Okawa in 2330 WSC.
Level 2 - Advanced
Level 2 requires 10 additional hours of training and 25 additional hours of tutoring:
- Enroll in Student Development 133: Foundations of Effective Tutoring and Mentoring-Level Two, which is offered during the second block. StDev 133 provides a practical background to teach you how to empower other students with the skills and confidence needed to succeed academically.
- Complete an additional 25 hours of tutoring and turn in another Tutor Timecard
Level 3 - Master
Level 3 requires the tutor to work closely with the Tutoring Services Administrator. Part of the purpose of Level 3 is to give you experience administering a tutoring program through hands-on training in the Center for Service and Learning.
Requirements include training other tutors during the annual Tutor Training Conference, and performing typical office responsibilities for Tutoring Services. Level 3 requirements should be completed within a one-year period.
To begin certifying contact:
Theodore Okawa
Tutoring Services Administrator
2330 WSC
(801) 422-1904
"I know that you are engrossed with your studies. This is important, but in a sense it is a selfish pursuit. Take a little time, now and again, to reach out to help others... You who are extremely able, you who learn with comparative ease, reach down to those who have greater difficulty in mastering academic material that is relatively easy for you. In so doing you will bless your own life as you bless the lives of those you help. A little tutoring can do wonders for you as you give yourself and your knowledge to bless another."