Utah Healing Arts
What is Utah Healing Arts?
This program will have its final performance of the semester on Dec. 9th at 7:00 pm. They will resume January of 2022.
Utah Healing Arts performs for residents of local veterans homes. Volunteers may also choose to send letters by email to the residents. If you would like to get involved, please contact the program leaders at uhap@byu.edu or at the phone numbers listed on this page.
How do I get involved?
If you are interested in volunteering, please sign up here, or send an email to uhap@byu.edu .
Connect with us on Facebook to keep up on all our happenings!
I really enjoyed my experience performing for the elderly. It was my first time performing guitar in front of people so I was nervous, but the smiles on everyone's faces was worth it. The seniors were delighted by every act and even requested an encore from some people. They're such wonderful people and serving them has been a great experience. I can't wait to go back to do it again.
-Trevor Wiseman
There is a great misunderstanding in life when it comes to finding one's own self. The idea that "in order to find yourself, you must lose yourself in the service of others", is hard to understand until you do it. I feel like everything about my life as a college student is focused on me becoming something or someone. I go to class each day to increase the knowledge that I have and to learn how to use it. I do countless hours of homework in order to understand the topics that professors are teaching. I do all of this for myself to learn and grow. But in doing all of this for myself, I still am seeking to find myself. I was able to find myself this last Thursday when I dropped my homework and textbooks and grabbed my accordion. I decided that I would play at a retirement home with Utah Healing Arts. in short terms, I experienced that it was in giving, that I received more than I could have ever asked for. One of my new favorite quotes by President Eyring says, "When you offer succor to anyone, the Savior feels it as if we reached out to succor Him." There is more to life than learning chemistry, biology, philosophy, or geology, that is in learning how to serve and succor others which I found volunteering with Utah Healing Arts.
-Eli Walton
I started out picking out a program to serve and fulfill my academic requirements. But after attending, everything changed. Seeing the smiles and gratitude on the seniors' faces made my burdens feel suddenly so unimportant. I truly felt like I made my Father in Heaven proud. I loved this semester, being a part of Y-Serve kept me on the path of spiritual progression. I am grateful. Life involves others.
-Dorian Huang
I learned that singing can soften the heart, especially with someone who is suffering mental and emotional trauma.
-Dylan Findley
Available by email at uhap@byu.edu
or at the phone numbers below: