Underwater Robotics
What is Underwater Robotics?
Utah Underwater Robotics (UUR) is an underwater robotics outreach program in Utah middle schools and elementary schools. The program provides students with a hands-on opportunity to build tethered, underwater robots (ROVs), while learning valuable concepts in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). BYU volunteers help the students construct their own ROVs. Through building their own ROVs, middle and elementary school students learn about basic circuits, buoyancy, simple robotics, material science and innovation. On March 23rd there is a regional championship where students from local schools will have the chance to compete against one another.
To learn more about Utah Underwater Robotics, visit utahrov.org
How do I get involved?
To join us, please complete this online application . For questions, please contact the program directors at underwaterrobotics@byu.edu
Volunteer Commitment: We ask volunteers to commit to assisting at a school at least every other week, these visits will typically be an hour long. In addition we have bi-monthly training meetings where we discuss how to assemble the robots, practice skills such as soldering, and share ideas and experiences with fellow volunteers.
Please complete this mandatory 20 minute child protection training before you begin working with the children.
Underwater Robotics is a fantastic program. It is great to be able to go into local schools and work with students on building their robots. Seeing the students at the end of year competition competing with their finished robots was awesome. I truly believe that Underwater Robotics volunteers are influential role models to the local students they interact with.
-Seth Huber
Available by email at underwaterrobotics@byu.edu
or at the phone numbers below: