Stop and Serve
What is Stop and Serve?
Volunteers work on small service projects at the Stop and Serve bar in 2330 WSC. Stop and Serve serves the local non-profit community and overseas agencies.
Follow us on Instagram to be updated about our current projects! @byustopandserve
How do I get involved?
Feel free to stop by the 2330 WSC office anytime during office hours, from 8:00 AM-5:00 PM!
For questions, contact the program directors by phone or email at stopnserve@byu.edu.
For those in groups, you are free to stop by and work on projects during office hours, but we are not able to provide supplies for events.
I joined the Stop and Serve leadership about a year ago and have loved my experience with it! My favorite thing has been the opportunity to get to know so many people that seek to serve others despite their busy school, work, and social schedules! It's really a neat thing to see what people will sacrifice to help bring joy and service to others, makes my heart happy :)
-Hannah Stadler
Available by email at stopnserve@byu.edu
or at the phone numbers below: