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A female student fist bumps a disabled man


What is RAH?

This program cannot accept volunteers at this time.

RAH is a program that allows students to have the opportunity to serve adults with disabilities in our community. Every Tuesday from 3:25-4:25 PM we go to Miracle Bowl in Orem and cheer them on! Come and enjoy spending time with amazing people and have lots of fun helping them learn social skills!

Meet at 3:10 PM at the bottom of the LSB to carpool.

Volunteer Commitment: We go each week, but would love you to come at least once a month!

How do I get involved?

To get involved, contact the program directors by phone or by email at rah@byu.edu .

RAH may require a background check before volunteering with their program. 

Please complete this mandatory 20 minute child protection training before you begin working with this program.


Available by email at rah@byu.edu
or at the phone numbers below:

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2330 WSC
E. Campus Dr. Provo, UT 84602

Hours: 8:00-5:00 Monday - Friday
Closed during devotionals (Tuesdays 11:00-12:00)

(801) 422-8686



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