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A collage of nine images that show people dressed in costumes

Medallion Manor

What is Medallion Manor?

*We are currently working on getting the details on how we can get involved with Medallion Manor! Stay tuned and continue to check here to get more information on when we will get started!*

BYU Medallion Manor is a program where a group of volunteers make visits every other week to Medallion Manor, homes for adults with special needs in South Provo and Springville, on Monday and Wednesday evenings. We meet in front of the Jamba Juice in the Wilkinson Center at 6:15 PM and carpool. See calendar in the bottom right for specific dates. 

Some of our more common activities include game nights, crafting, and open visiting (where you can talk and get to know the residents through stories, games, music, dancing, whatever you would like).

Volunteer Commitment: You don't have to put in a designated amount of hours, but we hope that once you have met our sweet heart residents, you will be eager to spread the word and join us week after week! This is a great activity for FHE groups!

How do I get involved?

You do not have to sign up ahead of time, we meet every Monday and Wednesday at 6:15 PM in front of the Y-serve office in the WILK (by Jamba Juice) where one or more of our program directors will meet you. We look forward to seeing you there!

Please complete this mandatory 20 minute child protection training before you begin working with this program.

Contact the program directors at medallionmanor@byu.edu for further information.

Find us on Facebook and Instagram at @byumedallionmanor

***During the spring and summer terms we will visit both locations every other week.


Visiting Medallion Manor is my favorite part of the week, hands down! I've made friends with so many wonderful people and I wouldn't trade the experiences I've had there for the world. Medallion is the best!

-Sydney Dietrich


Available by email at medallionmanor@byu.edu
or at the phone numbers below:

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2330 WSC
E. Campus Dr. Provo, UT 84602

Hours: 8:00-5:00 Monday - Friday
Closed during devotionals (Tuesdays 11:00-12:00)

(801) 422-8686



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