What is LEAD?
LEAD (Latinos Engaged in Academic Development) offers opportunities for BYU students to serve the Latino community.
As a program,
our vision and purpose is to:
See the youngest generations of Latino students gain a drive to
attain higher education.
B. Empower Latino youth to lead and strengthen their communities.
C. Expand the BYU students’ ability to understand meaningful service within Latino communities in the US.
Volunteer Opportunities
Cherry Hill Elementary Tutoring: Cherry Hill Elementary is a Spanish-English dual immersion school located close by in Orem. There are currently two programs we are running at the school. First, volunteers at Cherry Hill Elementary can help struggling students in grades 1-6 improve their reading skills with the AmeriCorp Literacy Program . Second, volunteers are also needed as classroom aides where they will help students during class time and assist the teacher with various tasks. Volunteer times are available throughout the day for both programs and can be flexible with your schedule. There are opportunities to serve even if you don’t speak Spanish. 1 hour weekly commitment is required for the semester. Currently needs more volunteers.
Citizenship Exam Prep Class: In a classroom environment, volunteers help individuals prepare for the citizenship/naturalization exam. The class will be offered on Thursdays from 6 to 8 pm, but volunteers are only needed from 7:15 to 8 PM. Classes will be held from February 20th to April 2nd.
Classroom Aide at Canyon Crest Elementary School: Canyon Crest has Spanish Dual Immersion programs for grades 1-6 and is located just 3 miles from BYU. Our volunteers help tutor individual students in reading or math, perform progress assessments, or whatever else the teacher needs help with that day. Volunteers can choose the grade and time. We need English-speaking volunteers for K-6th and Spanish-speaking volunteers for 1st-6th grades. Our service is greatly needed and appreciated! Classroom Aides have the opportunity to positively impact a child's life and have all expressed how much they enjoy volunteering at Canyon Crest. Service is provided during school hours within the regular classroom setting. Time commitment is 1 hour/week for the whole semester.
Community Health Classes: We are currently working with local organizations to restructure our community health classes program. However, check back in a couple of weeks if you're interested in educating the Hispanic community on issues ranging from exercise and diet to mental health!
Community Events: Volunteer at one-time community events like the Festival Latinoamericano and other events we announce through emails.
Complete this Form to sign-up to volunteer with LEAD.
LEAD partners with the
Latinos In Action BYU Chapter
to serve!
As a college chapter their goals are to help first year students as they start college, create a supportive environment for all students through various activities, and help students with professional development as they choose and prepare for a future career.
This is a separate club in addition to the LEAD program. If you're interested in participating, join their chapter and check out BYU LIA!
How do I get involved?
Complete this Form to sign-up to volunteer with LEAD.
Please complete this mandatory 20 minute child protection training before you begin volunteering at Canyon Crest or Cherry Hill Elementary.
For more information contact the program directors at leadbyu@byu.edu
We had a WILK booth and asked people walking by if they'd be willing to take 5 min to write a letter to a missionary. Hundreds of people were willing and excited to help. We ended up with more than enough letters for all the missionaries of the Honduras Tegucigalpa mission for Christmas. It was really special to see the love everyone had for missionaries they'd never met!
-Camille Mejia
I volunteered at Canyon Crest and it was fantastic. It was always rejuvenating for me amidst a busy schedule. It was extremely rewarding to see 1st graders have "A-ha" moments as I tutored them in their reading and math.
-Aubrey Glazier
Available by email at leadbyu@byu.edu
or at the phone numbers below: