Language Interpreters
What is Language Interpreters?
Help Spanish-speaking residents assimilate into the community by providing interpretation at local hospitals or Provo schools. You must be able to speak English and Spanish fluently.
Volunteer Commitment: School interpretation: two to three activities per semester (average six hours, or more as desired).
BYU Spanish Interpreters is organized into four main branches: schools, public services, and document translation:
Utah Valley has over 80 elementary, middle, and high schools. For many of the students and parents in the school district, English isn’t their first language. BYUSI reaches out to schools to help recruit interpreters for events like Parent Teacher Conferences and Parent Nights. If you’re interested in helping out at school events, you’ll contact the BYUSI coordinator involved and you’ll be added to an email list. You’ll then receive emails about upcoming translating events and you’ll sign up for events you’re able to attend.
Public Services
Right now our main focus of the public service sector is the Provo Food Bank. We are looking for volunteers Monday through Friday anytime between 9am and 3pm. The shifts are flexible. Volunteers will be able to walk Hispanic residents through the food bank to help them feel welcome and help them receive all of the items that they need. The food bank has a high need for volunteers right now! Please get involved with this if your schedule permits!
This branch of BYU Spanish Interpreters focuses specifically on translation of documents from English to Spanish. Through BYU Spanish Translators, you can serve the Provo area organizations such as schools by translating documents for Spanish speakers. This branch allows you the flexibility to volunteer whenever and wherever you want.
How do I get involved?
1. Fill out this google form and then send us an email to let us know you are interested in serving: spanishinterpreters@byu.edu.
2. Complete this mandatory 20 minute child protection training before you begin serving with this program.
3. Serve!
I really enjoy being able to work one-on-one with Provo locals. When I get to interpret for people in Provo, I feel like I’m helping my own community .
–Ryan Carlson
I had a great experience the other day as I was interpreting for Parent Teacher Conferences! As I came into a classroom, a parent was getting frustrated because they were trying to ask a question to the teacher who was not understanding because of the simplicity of the English skills of the parent. As I began to translate the mood changed in the room. After about 20 minutes, both the parent and the teacher were smiling and happy to both celebrate the success of their child/student! It was amazing to see how much translating a few words to diminish a language barrier can help a community!
-Dan Sumsion