Kids on the Move
What is Kids on the Move?
Kids on the Move:
This program offers volunteers an opportunity to interact with children, both with and without special needs, in a playful environment while parents attend classes to learn more about meeting the needs of the children. Volunteers ensure that the children are safe and having a positive and enjoyable experience.
Volunteer Commitment: We meet at the Wilkinson Center Jamba Juice once a month to carpool to the facility. We send out emails to our volunteers to let them know what day we will be volunteering that month. Feel free to come whenever you can! If you are interested in volunteering more than the following times, check out kotm.org for a complete schedule.
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Kids Respite Care: Students care for children with disabilities on Friday evenings to allow their parents to have a break. Volunteers are assigned to a specific child. Volunteers are needed on Fridays and Saturdays from 6:00-9:30 PM.
Volunteer Commitment: Sign up on kotm.org. We provide carpooling once a month and information is on this link: Kids Respite Carpool
How do I get involved?
Contact the program directors at kidsonthemove@byu.edu for questions or details.
Please complete this mandatory 20 minute child protection training before you begin working with the children.
I think that all the experiences I have in my program are meaningful because I get to help make little kids smile. But one week this semester we had 12 volunteers show up (which is a ton) and the volunteers almost outnumbered the children we were serving. That day was awesome because it was cool to see how many people are willing to give up four hours of their night on a random school night to serve others.
-Riley Billings
Available by email at kidsonthemove@byu.edu
or at the phone numbers below: