What is Impact?
Impact is similar to a big brother/big sister program that matches a pair of volunteers (one male/one female) with an at-risk student age 13-18. Each week, the volunteers become mentors by spending around 1 hour with the teen, during which they participate in an uplifting and encouraging activity of their choice. Also, a monthly group activity for all teens and their mentors is held. Volunteers aim is to be a friend, example and support to the teen.
Volunteer Commitment: 1-2 hours per week.
How do I get involved?
Over the past two years, I've mentored a boy, now 16. We've been through a lot together. Hikes, arcades, baking, bike repairs, games in the park, and more. I've been scared to death as he sat behind the wheel of my car practicing how to drive so he could get his license but it wasn't until he called me asking what type of shaving cream to buy that it hit me. He hasn't had much of a father figure in his life, so of course what was he looking for? I don't feel adequate to fill that role, but I sure do love that boy.
-Austin Brown
I was with Impact for 3+ years, and enjoyed the opportunity to remain with the same kid. It was rewarding to see him grow up a lot, from a boy to a young man. Talking with him and doing activities together when we could was great. I'd definitely recommend the program.
Available by email at impact@byu.edu
or at the phone numbers below: