Creative Connections
What is Creative Connections?
Creative Connections is an expressive art program for teens attending Day Skills Intervention (DSI), a program within the juvenile justice system. The objective of this program is to foster meaningful, lasting connections through art that will propel DSI students in a positive, pro-social direction.
The program is held at the Neighborhood Art Center-- a local art studio-- in the Provo Towne Center Mall. You do NOT need to be an artist to participate. Art classes are held every Monday, 9:30-11:00AM!
How do I get involved?
This program may require a background check from the community service provider.
Please complete this mandatory 20 minute child protection training before you begin working with this program.
If you have any further questions, please email creativeconnections@byu.edu.
I LOVE Creative Connections! I am changed as I choose to connect with and love teenagers who often have it much harder than me. They are my heroes. I love attending the program each Monday and feel I can really making a difference there. I also love the volunteers who go and feel that we foster connections that allow all participants to see and be their best selves. I would recommend every BYU student volunteer with Creative Connections.
Available by email at creativeconnections@byu.edu
There is currently no student leadership for this program.