Cougar Coaches
What is Cougar Coaches?
Do you enjoy sports? If so, Cougar Coaches is an easy way for students to give back by volunteering as coaches for local youth athletic organizations. Student coaches run practices and games for a sport of their choosing, and usually are only required to serve for 2-3 hours a week during a short 4-8 week season.
Times vary by sport and rec center.
Cougar Coaches is an exciting and rewarding way to stay involved in the sport you love while providing much needed service in the community. Assistant coaches are strongly encouraged, so grab a friend and help make a difference in the lives of these kids!
We currently offer opportunities to coach the following sports throughout the year:
Thank you for your willingness to serve!
How do I get involved?
If you want to get involved please email cougarcoaches@byu.edu or text/call any of the directors listed on the left. With your inquiry please include your year in school and the sport in which you are interested. Please complete this mandatory 20 minute child protection training before you begin working with the children.
After a game, I was wondering what good I was doing for these kids. At that moment a mother of one of the athletes I was coaching came up to me and thanked me for being a great example to her son and giving him self confidence. This was such a witness to me of the blessing of service.
-William Ortiz
"He feels like he isn't a good player and didn't want to come to the game today. After some tears and a lot of convincing that he needed to be a part of the team, he conceded to go. You don't owe him playing time let alone ball handling time, but after today, his confidence and demeanor has totally shifted. I thank you whole heartedly for being kind to him and boosting his confidence."
-Parent of an athlete
Available by email at cougarcoaches@byu.edu
or at the phone numbers below: