Community Clean-Up
What is Community Clean-Up?
Our mission is to build relationships and share our love of Jesus Christ through providing weekly service in the community. We meet every Saturday morning at 8:50 and finish by 11:30. Some examples of activities include: cleaning parks, making trails, painting, weeding, and planting foliage. When the weather is not conducive for outdoor projects we help clean, paint, or set up for community events at local libraries, childcare facilities, or other community buildings. The projects are a great way to start your Saturdays and get a break from studying while doing something for others. Bring a friend and make new ones each Saturday.
How do I get involved?
Meet by Jamba Juice in the Wilkinson Center at 8:50 a.m. on Saturdays to carpool. Please refer to our Facebook for the latest updates! For more information, contact the program directors at communitycleanup@byu.edu . We enjoy working with classes, clubs and other Y-serve groups. It is best to contact one of the Program Directors two weeks prior to the Saturday you want to hold the service activity to coordinate a combined project.
When I first went to Community Clean-Up, it was a very cold day and I hadn't gotten a lot of sleep the night before, so I wasn't really in the serving spirit. But when I got there, I met the sweetest person. She was a fellow volunteer and she was just so happy to be there. We talked a lot as we raked leaves and I forgot about the cold and how tired I was. She was so nice and it changed my whole day. I'm thankful for not only the opportunity I have to serve with Y-Serve, but for the people I get to meet and become friends with.
-Maddie Violette