Behavioral Health
What is Behavioral Health?
Wasatch Behavioral Health is currently not accepting volunteers.
This program recruits volunteers to work in programs offered by Wasatch Behavioral Health, a community service provider. These opportunities give students experiences in the mental health field. Volunteers agree to serve for 20 hours - opportunities range from 1 hour to 4 hours per week. All age groups are represented in their programs.
How do I get involved?
Each month Wasatch Behavioral Health holds a mandatory one-time orientation meeting (about 90 minutes). At the orientation, they give more details about the 12 programs that serve community members. Volunteers need to bring two forms of ID to the orientation.
All orientation meetings are held at the Wasatch Behavioral Health Westpark Building at 750 N. Freedom Blvd., Suite 300. For orientation dates, click here. Be sure to sign up with Marilyn Sanders (msanders@wasatch.org) to ensure you can have a spot at your orientation meeting of choice since there are only 15 seats available each time.
Also, Y-Serve requires that volunteers complete this mandatory 20 minute child protection training before they begin working with this program.
For Y-Serve questions, please contact the program's directors at behavioralhealth@byu.edu
I have really enjoyed meeting the volunteers that serve with our program. BYU has many good students who want to do good and it's been uplifting to interview them for the program. The culmination of this was our reflection meeting, we had 2 volunteers come, which was honestly more than we were expecting. Everyone went around and shared their experiences serving and the impact it has had on the 7 of us there; this is why I serve, so that BYU students can find the joy I do in serving.
-Devin Brooksby
Available by email at wasatchmentalhealth@byu.edu
or at the phone numbers below: