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Students teach children about anatomy

Anatomy Academy

What is Anatomy Academy?

Anatomy Academy is an outreach and research program aimed at combating childhood obesity, promoting healthy living and encouraging the pursuit of higher education through the teaching of anatomy and basic nutrition.

As an Anatomy Academy mentor, you will teach small groups of 6-8 students with a co-mentor at participating schools here in Utah county. Most mentors are assigned to teach in 5th- or 6th-grade classrooms; however, willing volunteers may also be assigned to either special needs high schools or Spanish-immersion elementary school classrooms.

No previous anatomy or teaching experience is needed - each week a lesson plan of basic anatomy, nutrition and activity ideas is provided.

Volunteer Commitment: The time commitment is approximately 1.5-3 hrs/week, once a week for 7 consecutive weeks during Fall and Winter semesters. (Hours ultimately depend on your school location.) Consistency for the kids is essential, so please plan on being present each week should you choose to participate.

If you are interested in applying, please email anatomyacademy@byu.edu for the application!

How do I get involved?

For more information, please email anatomyacademy@byu.edu, or contact a program director. 

Please complete this mandatory 20 minute child protection training before you begin working with the children.


I understood that I am making a positive impact in their lives. Kids develop dreams in life at early ages, and I believe that Anatomy Academy helped them to cultivate dreams of being future nurses and physicians.

-Eric Hexem

" I absolutely loved teaching anatomy last year in the elementary schools. Watching how curious the kids were and interacting with them is what I looked forward to each week. Anatomy Academy also helped me connect with others and learn from them. I want to [get involved again to] be able to help kids learn about their bodies in a fun way, look forward to learning new things, and be a mentor that they can look up to. "



Available by email at anatomyacademy@byu.edu
or at the phone numbers below:

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2330 WSC
E. Campus Dr. Provo, UT 84602

Hours: 8:00-5:00 Monday - Friday
Closed during devotionals (Tuesdays 11:00-12:00)

(801) 422-8686



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