Adaptive Aquatics and Gym Kids
What is Adaptive Aquatics and Gym Kids?
This program will hold its final event of the semester on Dec. 9th at 11:00 am. They will resume in January of 2022.
Participate in gym and pool activities with children who have special needs to help them develop their cognitive, motor, and social skills. Help the students develop autonomy by doing what they want to do, as well as expand their creativity. Give them an outlet to express themselves without the constraints of a classroom.
How do I get involved?
This program usually runs Winter and Fall semester every Thursday and Friday from 11:00-11:50 am. We normally meet in Gym 156 or the Pool deck of the Richards Building. We look forward to seeing you!
For questions, email adaptiveaquatics@byu.edu .
Please complete this mandatory 20 minute child protection training before you begin working with the children.
I went to go walk over to the RB for Gym Kids. I noticed one of the buses pull up to BYU, so I waited for the class to get off the bus. I welcomed the kids getting off the bus, and this one girl ran up to me and asked me to be my buddy for the day. She grabbed my hand and wouldn't let me go. I felt like a million bucks.
- Dan Walton
I remember our first gym day back from summer. We hadn't seen the kids in months, but as soon as they walked in, I was bombarded with smiles and hugs. That’s the reason we come and serve, for the smiles and hugs!
-Palakiko Chandler